Monday, November 7, 2011


Now that we are fairly settled into our new home, we are trying to get back into our old routine. I'm not sure we had ever really developed a true routine, but we had great visions of one, so we are at least now re-assuming our visions.

Today, that meant Gabby got to go to work with Max. Max is a researcher at a hospital in the city. He has his own office where Gabby can study and the atmosphere in the labs he works at is pretty relaxed so it's okay for her to tag along.

They took the train together this morning and around 9:30 they were probably scooting through the city together. This is one of Max's favorite parts of his day, riding his Zootr to his office. He got Gabby a Razor so she could join in the fun. (That is how the broken elbow came to be.)

So now, here I am, with a day free of homeschooling. I plan to do housework, play with Fielding, get caught up with my church responsibilities and who knows what else. Maybe give my parents a call? Bake a little treat for family night tonight? Steal some Halloween candy?

The possibilities feel endless. I think I'll go and see what Hershey's got to offer.

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