Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Our first day

I am a new homeschooler and today was my first day. My daughter is 12 and in the 7th grade - that is the first year of middle school here. We had always gone the "bricks and mortar" route and been probably 90% satisfied with our elementary school. However as Gabby was changing schools anyway -- and does any child actually enjoy her middle school experience? -- I thought I'd take her out. Just like that. Good bye desks and lining up in the hall, packing lunches, lunch tables (thank heaven!) and all the rest.

And I did it because I believed that homeschooling is right for her. Maybe not for every child or every parent, but for her, for me. All the ups and downs of elementary school seemed to support this hypothesis. The "ups" being repeatable at homeschool, the "downs" more associated with the traditional school environment. That's the hypothesis, but what will the evidence reveal? Time will tell.

I'm not sure what I was expecting this day would be like. So much preparation went into it. We bought curricula and textbooks, some new, some used. We did a lot of research. My husband and I spent hours talking and planning. I guess I imagined something like this: I teach, Gabby studies, light bulb after light bulb go on inside her brain, laughter and good cheer, a world of knowledge taken in, educational bliss.

A truly realistic vision.

But it really turned out to be a rather regular day with my 12-year old. Some very successful quiet self-study. Plenty of pouting and exasperated declarations. Shy, appreciative smiles when I help her. On the whole, a lot of good work completed, along with a sense of accomplishment for Gabby. And a sigh of relief from me.

So I'm wondering will there be more pouting than pleasure in this process? And which one of us will be doing the pouting?

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