Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Christmas Party

Last week we went to our homeschool group Christmas party. I brought Gabby, Fielding, and since it was in the early afternoon and William has morning kindergarten, William came too. Bri was still in school. :(

It was mainly a social. There were some movies for the little kids and a simple craft too, but mostly it revolved around eating and chatting. I spent my time refilling plates for William and Fielding. There were A LOT of yummy treats to try. Oreo cheesecake truffles, for one.

I would call this event a success for 2 reasons:

1. There were children Gabby's age there. Several 7th graders, actually. At our last event, she was the oldest kid there.

2. Not only was Gabby in the same room with girls her age but (drumroll) SHE TALKED TO THEM!

Not a major accomplishment for most, but for Gabs, this was a big deal. I know she went hoping to meet some homeschooled kids. I didn't know, though, if when the moment came, she would stick by me or reach out and actually try to make friends.

I am happy to say there was no sticking and definitely some friend-making going on. Gabby spent most of the party kind of tagging along with a couple girls who seemed to welcome her and involve her. There were others that I'm not sure she even had a chance to meet. Hopefully next time. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of some friendships. Perhaps this is the beginning of her throwing off her cloak of timidity and one day being the life of every party. (Is this not realistic, perhaps?)

On a side note, there were some willing and potential friends that Gabby did not make at the party. Occasionally, I would look up to scope the room for Gabby -- her location and whether she seemed, happy, lonely, bored, traumatized... I noticed 2 or 3 boys strategically placing themselves near her. Several times I saw this. I wonder what they were hoping...

Gabby: (suddenly turns around, tosses her hair and notices her hoverers) Oh, hi, I don't think I've met you. I'm Gabby. Do you want to have some refreshments with me? You seem really cool, maybe we should hang out sometime.

If this was anything close to their goal, they picked the wrong girl.

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