Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The History of the World!

We finished off our evolution unit with Gabby creating a picture book, illustrating the different periods of time in earth's history. It was a fun little project for her. She had to imagine what different early creatures looked like. Once her pages were complete, she asked me everyday, "Can we bind my book today?"

We laminated it at U.S. Toy and bound it at Staples. Here's the final result:

I know some Christian families find the concept of evolution offensive to their faith. I have never been offended by it, though. I love learning about the world and how it works and came to be. I found the sections in our textbook fascinating that told about the changes in earth's atmosphere and oceans and the early photosynthetic organisms. Such tiny animals, making such huge changes in the environment! To me, I find the richness of life and its intricacies evidence of God's hand in it all. I wonder at His power, His intelligence, His creativity in setting all these things in motion. As Gabby and I read her chapter on Darwin, we talked about the controversy of The Origin of Species in his day and in ours. I hope to support her learning, in the sciences and in the Gospel. Some day she'll have to make her own decisions about what she believes. And I hope she'll be well-prepared.

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