Sunday, March 11, 2012

The birds!

a few pinecone feeders and a recycled peanuts container bird feeder out our (foggy) window

We are doing Project Feeder Watch. We just started -- with hardly a month left in the season. Kind of lame, I know, but we're trying.

I had heard about Project Feeder Watch (PFW), but didn't think too much about doing it as part of our science curriculum this year. In the fall, however, someone from the homeschool group shared a pdf workbook that PFW makes available to homeschoolers. There were a lot of great ideas in it. I thought it would be a cool addition to our schoolwork.

We'd only just moved into our new house, and we were so new at homeschooling, and there was Thanksgiving, then Christmas... I didn't get around to signing us up until January. (There is always something getting in the way of my good plans!) The online information said there might be a delay in getting our materials to us. There was, about a month, maybe a little more.

It's okay, though, the nice PFW people are applying our fee to next year's program. (It was only 15 bucks, anyway.) We are getting a feel for the whole thing in this last month. It's great. Like a practice run. We'll be pros come November when it starts all over again.

Gabby, Fielding and I made some feeders and hung them on a few trees outside. We've got binoculars by the window and our bird chart on the wall. Gabby and I get so excited when we identify a bird.

Gabby has an additional project, along with watching, counting and reporting birds. I had her read about John James Audubon and begin a bird journal. I bought her a sketchbook and water colors. This week she painted a black-capped chickadee. We've done very little art this year so I hope this makes up for it a little bit. She seemed to enjoy herself and I was so impressed with the result. Maybe this will be a life-long hobby for her!

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