Friday, March 30, 2012

A few more birds

Gabby has been doing a beautiful job on her bird journal. The bird above is a male house sparrow. It is maybe a bit too yellow, but she's just learning how to mix colors for the first time. The other details are great. Here are a few more examples:

Another chickadee, Gabby loves these. A male and female (we suppose) hang out together by our pinecone feeders quite often.
We saw a red winged blackbird for the first time, not at our feeders, but during an early morning run last Saturday. Its red stripe stood out as it perched on the very top of a tree. A nice reward for exercising.

It looked like a male and female cardinal were building a nest in the pine tree by our window, but we think they abandoned the site. We still see them flying around and snacking though. Gabby hasn't painted the female yet.

A junco. A sweet-looking bird, despite its "trashy" name. Gabby worked hard on the wing here.

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